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Strategies to Support Your Patients’ Health and Wellbeing with LMRC's WellMatrix Membership Content

Strategies to Support Your Patients’ Health and Wellbeing

Read about a program that will teach you how to turn even your toughest patients into ones you enjoy working with, ones who will be motivated to resolve their illnesses and achieve optimal wellbeing.

Steve Amoils, MD |

10 Tips to Build Well-Being and Resilience in Your Patients in 2024

10 Tips to Build Well-Being and Resilience in Your Patients in 2024

We need to empower patients to both cope and thrive. Here are 10 tips to help your patients to build resilience and well-being as we head into the new year.

Steve Amoils, MD |

Lifestyle factors that make or break wellness

How to Transform Autoimmunity into Well-Being

Autoimmune diseases are dramatically increasing, likely due to environmental exposures. Here is how you can work with patients to improve symptoms.

Steve Amoils, MD |


Why You Need to Monitor Magnesium in Your Patients

The risks of inadequate magnesium intake are high, so providing your patients with the right forms via supplementation will benefit their health.

Steve Amoils, MD |


Preconception, Prenatal and Postnatal Optimization: Nutritional Strategies for Patients in Their Childbearing Years

The role of epigenetics on fetal and human development is of paramount importance to all of us as healthcare practitioners and parents. Toward the end of World War 2, after the battle at Arnhem, in what was known as the "Hongerwinter" (hungry winter), the Nazi's surrounded and cut off supplies to an area in the Netherlands. It was a tragic experiment on the long-term effects of famine. From December 1944 until Germany surrendered in May 1945, food was rationed to under 1,000 dietary calories per day and dropped as low as 580 calories per day in the height of winter.

Steve Amoils, MD |


Back to School Nutrition: Strategies to Help Parents Fill Gaps in Kids' Diets

As we get ready to get back to school during this difficult time of a partially treated pandemic, parents will be faced with one additional problem: How do we get kids to eat delicious and nutritious meals without breaking the bank or their parents' psyche?

Steve Amoils, MD |


Living Well on the Road Ahead: Vitamin D and COVID-19

Vitamin D is a pro-hormone with ubiquitous effects throughout the body. It has been shown to have a multitude of benefits, including bone health, innate and adaptive immune function, and vascular health, yet we live in country where, depending on the source you consider, 40-70% of the population is vitamin D deficient and people are routinely told to limit sun exposure.

Steve Amoils, MD |


Building Wellbeing and Resilience in Your Patients in 2021

The year 2020 will go down in history as an extraordinary year for all of us. In fact, this year will likely be remembered as the biggest experiment ever done on mankind. For many years to come, researchers will examine how societal norms, human behavior, medications, and underlying conditions affected not only COVID-19 outcomes, but a host of ancillary illnesses. We are likely to see studies on depression in adolescents, domestic violence, elder neglect, and failure to adhere to medical advice.

Steve Amoils, MD |


4 Resilience Strategies for Busy, Stressed-Out Practitioners

Promoting health and vitality is something we all know how to do, yet life can sometimes conspire against us. We get caught in time crunches, food deserts, insomnia vortices and other places where making smart, healthy choices is not always easy, or for that matter, a priority. Yet maintaining good health requires work, a strategy and the occasional checkup and test. Life itself can act as a healing catalyst if we learn how to use it.

Steve Amoils, MD |

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